10 Directors to Watch Native Helmer Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr Maps Legacy of Violence in lsquo Wild Indian rsquo #Watch

#Watch | Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr.’s assured feature debut plays like a much-needed corrective to decades of problematic depictions of the indigenous community on film. “Wild Indian” grapples with the full …
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Withings expands Apple Health accessories with new cellular smart scale and blood pressure monitor
#BloodPressure | Withings has been a leader in the smart health device market for years and today the company has announced its latest releases, the Body Pro cellular smart scale and Withings BPM Connect Pro cellular blood pressure monitor. With the extra connectivity, Withings is able to offer out of the box secure transfer of patients’ data […]
10 idA copy es de coiffures de mariA copy e repA copy rA copy es sur Instagram
#Instagram | Tresses bohèmes, chignons graphiques piqués de fleurs blanches, queues de cheval travaillées... Zoom sur dix coiffures poétiques, repérées sur Instagram, pour un jour J à son apogée.
Photo Of The Day Creating A Compressed Frosty Forest Landscape With A Telephoto Zoom
#Photo | Landscape photographer Tom Kingsford shares the story behind creating this frosty forest landscape with his Sony α7R III and a lightweight Sony telephoto zoom.
Do Your Nails Really Need To Breathe Experts Explain
#Nails | Do nails need to breathe? Bustle spoke with experts to see if the long-held beauty myth is actually true.
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