Baked Deviled Chicken Thighs

#ChickenThighs | Deviled Chicken Thighs covered in a mixture of butter, spicy mustard, vinegar, cayenne pepper, salt and breadcrumbs; then baked until crispy and golden brown. 
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Setting up a cardboard art activity for kids
#Kids | Recycled cardboard is one of my favourite materials for children’s art activities. I like it because it is readily available and free! Read more...

Stuffed Mushroom Eyeballs
#Mushroom | Mmm.. Delicious eyeballs! No, no cannibalism here, just some Stuffed Mushroom Eyeballs, filled with a

Everything You Need to Know to Make A Herringbone Accent Wall
#Wall | I just finished up my herringbone accent wall yesterday and I am so excited to share everything I learned about how to make this wall with you! Here’s the first thing I’ll say about making your own herringbone wall; once you figure out what angle you want your herringbone or chevron pattern to be, it... View Post

Tetu Sicilian Chocolate Spice Cookies
#SpiceCookies | Tetù (Sicilian Chocolate Spice Cookies), traditional rich, dense chocolate cookies flavored with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and orange zest.


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